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Monday, March 1, 2021

What The Pandemic Wrought - #8

The 2020's of the 21st century was anything but a roaring good time.  

It was/is still about isolating, distancing, virtual socializing and keeping safe.  2021 brings the COVID vaccine, but a long wait for those of us trying to get an appointment in our age bracket and state. As of this writing, I am still trying every day, throughout the day, to find an opening.  It will happen eventually.

It is mind boggling to believe we have been mostly home for about a year now.  The last day we worked was Friday, March 13th, 2020. It was months before I set foot in a supermarket (we had food delivery) and I remember feeling "elated" the first time I went to Shaw's.  

My daughter and son-in-law fortunately have been able to work from home, but the down side was that their wonderful day care had closed down. That's where I was able to offer some support caring for the children, keeping them entertained for a few hours everyday.  It was not easy finding the energy keeping a 2 year old engaged - something I really had not intended to be doing at this stage of my life.  But, I did get creative and had some fun with it and I really wanted to be of some help, especially since we were no longer working. 

I realize just how lucky we all have been to be living together during this time of staying home, when so many families still can not be with or hug their loved ones.  My mom has been isolated in assisted living for so long; I feel so badly that we can not see her and the lack of stimulation in her life.  But, she is at least healthy and vaccinated. I look forward to when we are on the other side of this.

Charlie has spent nearly everyday of the pandemic in his "hamshack". He obtained his technician's level ham radio license about a year ago and invests countless hours building and maintaining his antennas and making long distant contacts on the radio. He is currently studying for his next level license and I am proud of him for keeping positive and productive while we are home. I am doubly grateful that we built that shed for him; I knew he needed a place just for himself and his "toys". It gives us just enough separation to spend time with ourselves, think, plan, study, dream. Everyone needs their own space, especially during this time.

And lastly, our plans to winter in Texas Hill Country had to be cancelled. With rising cases in Texas and throughout the south and with the threat of a increased and more dangerous surge predicted as the cold weather approached, we felt it prudent to just to stay home. 
During the summer, we were able to arrange to have maintenance work done on our travel trailer and truck so we are now good for winter of 2021/22.  We already have our reservations.  Meanwhile, our trailer sleeps and we wait.

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