Seven is considered, by many, a lucky number. It is certainly the most popular number you see at the casinos; three sevens is a win! It also has significance in culture; seven days of the week, seven musical notes on the scale, seven colors of the rainbow…
The year of 2025 is very big on the sevens for Charlie and me. In January - Charlie celebrated his 77th birthday! We don’t know how he made it this far - but here he is! He often attributes his advancing age to “ only the good die young”. Yeah- I have to concur. In February- I reached a milestone of my own 70th birthday! I don’t know how that is possible but 1955 is now a long way off! I’m glad to be here but boy, the time sure went by fast! 60’s seem so young to me now! Also, in February- Valentines Day to be exact - we celebrated our 27th anniversary. I don’t think either of us envisioned being married for that length of time, given being married in our later years, but time just marches on. I’m glad we have each other to walk along side by side.
Charlie and his birthday gift! Celebrating our 25th anniversary at Bay Hide Away
Going back two months since I haven’t posted in a while - we had a very pleasant and inexpensive Christmas Day. Our very local and favorite casino- Silver Slipper- offered a special buffet all day plus gaming bonuses in the evening. After an hour and half of a Mississippi torrential downpour - we ventured over to the Slipper in the afternoon and joined a long, but quick moving, line to the Jubilee Buffet. While this particular buffet was more than we normally spend ( 49.95/pp) we figured it was a holiday and special occasion… While on line, a lady behind me asked if we had any comp coupons. I told her my account didn’t offer any and she informed me if we had $2 in comps ( which I did have on my account) the buffet would be free and she had extra comp coupons and generously gave one to Charlie. Wow! It was like $100 win! After a delicious meal, we enjoyed playing the machines for a bit and then relaxed at home.
Our New Year’s Eve was a wonderful campground community steak dinner with all the fixings provided by our hosts. ( at a bargain price of $20/pp). The steaks were so large, we spread the leftovers out for 3 meals!
January has just zoomed by and we officially entered snowbird season; many of the regulars have returned and we’ve been busy working on fun crafts, bingo and other games. I learned the card game Euchre and have been playing with several ladies.
We had a historic snowstorm in BSL ( at least 6”) and some pretty cold temps. But winter doesn’t last long here. February brings sunshine and 70’s.
We had a great visit with the Ouro-Djobos in mid February! Deena and Wally are growing up way too fast and we tried to make the most of our time with them. They have been our only overnight guests in our trailer and we probably wouldn’t be comfortable ( size-wise) with anyone else.
We’ve now been here 4 months and developed a fairly regular routine and keep pretty busy. There’s always something new to do and things we enjoy regularly. I still enjoy walking everyday but I’ve been really suffering with knee pain from my left knee. I still walk through the pain but have not been able to enjoy it as much. I keep on trying to exercise the knee and that actually helps it feel better. Turmeric capsules have really helped as well.
We still have 1-1/2 months left to enjoy! The weather has been perfect too!