December already? We’ve been in Mississippi for just over a month now. It has been a leisurely month, doing what we want, when we want. No real commitments.
The Pot Luck on the last day of November was a big success! Not only did we have delicious foods, but we met several new campers and chatted in between bites. My contribution was a big salad and some delicious fudgy , brownies! Other returning guests also mentioned how quiet it has been this year; we were glad to find we were not the only ones that felt that way. We reminisced about the friends from previous years who had not returned for various reasons. Many actually gave up RVing but purchased homes down this way.
We are excited to now have our first schedule of activities for Bay Hide Away for the month of December. There are some great campground community meals planned - stir fry, breakfasts- including outings to restaurants. Mexican Train is now scheduled weekly on Fridays and craft projects. Our campground hosts, Lea and Randy, do a great job of arranging activities and cooking delicious meals for us!
Charlie and I also follow all the local library events page; we find something we can do everyday!
We also happily and inexpensively solved our Wi-Fi problem. When we first arrived- the campground Wi-Fi seemed to work just fine. Then a few weeks in, weird things started happening. It would tell us our password was incorrect, service would go in and out and then eventually we just couldn’t get it at all. The biggest problem with this is that it affected our TV. So after discussing it, we decided to try a Wi-Fi extender. It was returnable so we had nothing to lose! I am happy to report- it work’s fantastic on all our electronics. Problem solved for under $25 bucks!
Charlie joined in on the weekly men’s breakfast and me the ladies lunch last week. Definitely good having some separate time.
We attended a special holiday prayer service lead by a young man - new to full time RVing with his wife and two teenage sons - at our campground. If you know me, you know I am not religious; I don’t pray or believe in god or the bible; however- I do appreciate other people’s points of view and their perspectives and I wanted to support this lovely family and their generosity of hosting this event. I do believe in kindness and support of those who give.
Charlie and I checked out a big Flea Market we spotted when driving along route 10. It was a good size - several large structures and smaller ones; lots to look at but often a lot of junk. We spent a sum total of $1.00 - for some decorations; I got some for free too!
Twenty of us from Bay Hide Away got together for dinner out at a Mexican restaurant on this past Monday night; I am finally feeling like there is some regular participation and we’re really getting to know some of our fellow campers. Then, Tuesday afternoon we met up with cousins Sally and Jerry at the Silver Slipper. They arrived from Kansas the week after Thanksgiving to their camping spot in Gulfport. We’ll meet up with them again in a couple of weeks, this time in Gulfport. On Saturday I am going with another gal from our park to the Hancock Farmers Market. I feel like things are really settling in nicely now and we are getting to know our campers.
We plan to spend Christmas Day at the Silver Slipper for dinner and gambling. They have some special events going on; maybe we can win big!!!
I want to wish everyone wonderful holidays- Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, Happy New Year! Cheers!