This was an especially hot and arid summer. We had very little - to no rain for long stretches of time. The sun was harsh and relentless- trees started wilting from lack of water, the once luxurious green grass turned to shades of yellow and brown and flowers ceased to bud and bloom. And then as if Mother Nature suddenly noticed the date on the calendar, the evenings cooled, rain came, and the earth drank in all that goodness - the trees, grass and flowers came alive once again. Summer rally's one last time, just before the leaves begin to turn color and fall officially begins.
But - summer is like this every year; it really shouldn't be any surprise - yet we all talk about the weather as if it's new news. It's the same in the winter too. News flash! The winter will be cold!
My travel binder is just about complete. This is our itinerary for the road, where I keep all paperwork as accumulated, maps, postage, brochures... It is an essential part to help keep me organized. I also log our mileage, gallons of gas used and cost while we are enroute.
In the last four weeks before our trip, we have lots going on. Charlie renewing his driver's license (since we won't be home in January when it expires) getting the truck and my car serviced, doctor appointments, getting our flu shots and gradually packing. I start going through each room, then drawers and closets - taking items we will need. I start using up food in our pantry and refrigerator and buy less for our remaining time home. Items in our apartment get a second look - and get tossed if they lost their value or use. A final list is created as we get to the countdown days, the trailer will be washed, inside of truck reorganized and cleaned - and we're off!
As a confirmed summer-lover, this time of year is difficult for me. I am affected by the change in seasons; less daylight and cooler temperatures puts me into a funk. Coupled with eating crappy and I'm definitely not at my best. I struggle to keep moving forward, be productive and wait for the cloud to lift. I am starting to see blue skies again, finally.
Minne received a clean bill of health from the vet. At 13 (senior cat) she was deemed "perfect". She is doing better than us!
My daughter Holly doesn't leave for another week. We still have a few things planned and it was great to have such an extended period of time together. Son-in-law Rakib had his back surgery a week ago and is in rehab for another week. He is definitely coming along and hope this will be an improvement for him in the long run and his quality of life. Deena started kindergarten and is doing well! Waleed is excitedly starting preschool in another week. Life goes on.
In the final weeks, we hope to visit with friends before we hit the road. This year, we look forward to not only meeting new people, but meeting up with RV friends we made last winter. The adventure continues....